A Student Leadership Initiative
Yavneh is a group of passionate and inspired student leaders building Jewish life and community on campuses around the world. We provide fellowships, resources, mentorship and connections to empower students to create Jewish life on their campus. Whether you want to become a fellow, host a Friday night dinner, study Torah with friends, get involved with Israel-related activities on campus or simply connect with other students, Yavneh has a way for you to get involved.
Yavneh is a network of religious student leaders on campuses around the world. We host multiple shabbatons each year to help Jewish students on different campuses connect.
Yavneh is a group of Jewish college students sharing Jewish life with their peers. Based on the values of loving all Jews and caring for others, we're changing the face of Jewish communal life: connecting Jews to meaningful Jewish life, vibrant communities, and to each other - all through peer-based relationships, intimate Jewish experiences and innovative community building.