Where racism and sexism give rise to domestic and sexual violence, we transform lives with expert services for victims, education to end those things that fuel abuse, and public policy that translates our mission into law.
Eliminating Racism
Empowering Women and Girls
Promoting Peace, Justice, Freedom, and Dignity for all
The YWCA West Central Michigan has been a place of hope, healing, and renewal for over 100 years. We believe that achieving economic, social and political empowerment for all women is inextricably linked to eliminating racism and achieving an equal, just, and sustainable society. With over three decades of experience in these fields, highly-credentialed and culturally-sensitive clinicians, and a proven record of helping victims heal, the YWCA is a recognized leader in Michigan.
616.454.9922 (454.YWCA)
Call anytime for help related to domestic and dating abuse, sexual assault, stalking, or child sexual abuse