Customised implementation of Business Intelligence, through the aggregation of dispersed data, from different formats, into a single intuitive solution, where personalised dashboards based on key indicators for each market, company and business model are created. This Business Intelligence solution allows for a high degree of autonomy in the production of reports and view choices. It's compatible with automation features, such as management alerts and access to a Data Office with data analysis, activity control and reporting capabilities, when you need them.
Our Business Intelligence solution is complemented by DataFlow, a data analysis suite that centralises dispersed data, normalizes it and enables predictive analytics – all in one single flow. A data integration layer, in which data is normalized, serves as the basis for interaction with the best data mining and advanced statistics techniques. Non-obvious knowledge of high strategic value is, in this way, added and converted into an intuitive graphical representation through the implemented Business Intelligence features.
Fazemos do nosso trabalho o DATA OFFICE da sua empresa.
Possibilitamos Business Intelligence e Data Analytics enquanto formas inspiradoras de ligar competências e conhecimento à volta de um negócio ou de um propósito.
Colocamos o seu negócio em imagens e transformamos os dados em decisões.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
ANJE Algarve, Faro
Sala 36
Análise VisualDashboardsBalanced scorecardTableau de BoardRelatórios KPIsRelatórios de atividadeRelatórios financeirosAnálise FinanceiraGestão do Risco de CréditoAnálise de dados