⊹ Creating RESTful API services using Node, Express ⊹ Implementing CSV/XLSX parsers ⊹ Creating and using Mongoose Schemas ⊹ Using Tex inside platform for forming new docs ⊹ Writing Unit and Acceptance tests (Mocha, Chai (TDD, BDD)) ⊹ Implementing Chai extensions (pagination test) ⊹ Bugfixing ⊹ Using Promises (Bluebird, async/await), other ES6, ES7 features ⊹ Using third party modules: babyparse, body-parser, moment, babel, react, react-dom, webpack ⊹ Managing code with Github and Redmine My mission is to continually develop my service to meet and exceed customer expectations and contribute to the success of my customers business through the provision of timely, consistently high quality and professional IT support at every customer contact, underpinning the strategic effective cooperation. I'm responsible, inquisitive, communicative. My goal is a long-term cooperation with you and I will be a beneficial addition to your business.