欣傳媒定位將成為華文世界中第一個TLC(Travel & Living Channel)旅遊生活網路平台,以生活為核心,提供各項「吃、喝、玩、樂、遊」的精采內容,希望引領消費者重新體驗文化、美學、時尚、健康等多重層次的新生活態度。欣傳媒的多媒體載具包括:平面雜誌、叢書、專刊;網路原生新聞網、2.0公民新聞社群平台;網路影音多媒體WebTV、MOD、IPTV及手機等,未來將朝自製創新性行腳類旅遊、美食等泛生活休閒類節目,以及新型態偶像劇等。
XinMedia is a brand new media company based in Taiwan. We provide excellent contents for different aspects of life, such as food, travelling and entertainment. We aim to be the first internet-based travel and living channel in the Mandarin world and hope to lead our audience to re-experience culture, aesthetics, fashion, and health related contents with a new approach of life.