X-PM is a front-ranking player in transition management services, providing large, mid-size and investment companies with management support to meet the following challenges:
> Manager vacancies:
On-the-spot recruitment of CEO, HR Manager, CFO, CIO, Purchasing/Supply Chain Manager, Project Manager etc.
> Transformation projects:
- Performance improvement, turnarounds
- Divestments, integrating acquisitions
- International development.
> Crises:
- Regaining control during an operational, human or financial crisis
- Replacing an executive at short notice
X-PM fulfils these missions by drawing on:
> An international pool of several hundred highly-qualified senior executives, managers and project managers
> Sector, position and mission-based skills centres, to ensure the right person is assigned to the job and to capitalise on experience
> A project management method designed to galvanise teams and deliver rapid, lasting results
> A permanent, multidisciplinary team with expert knowledge of the client’s country and business lines.