XD Technology possesses 35+ years in human capital and has partnership connections with local government ententes, bringing their expertise in workforce development and Manufacturing Consultant Services. Our employees have advanced working knowledge in a wide range of fields from Mobile App & Web development, Cloud Computing Technologies, Advanced Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Next Generation Gnomonics, Energy Storage, 3-D Printing, Advanced Materials, Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery, Renewable Energy, Engineering and Advanced Industrial Manufacturing.
We specialize in Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 manufacturing companies. Our consultants have experience with industrial machinery, ranging from some of the most advanced programmable and automated machinery. We FOCUS on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, team organization, day to day operations, technology, and training.
Our subject matter experts believe in free sharing of information while striking the right balance in permanent to contract work. The temporary to permanent mix allows XD TECH to inject the most instrumental performance factors in a faster, less costly manner. Such speed enables companies to anticipate manageable forecasts without jeopardizing quality and production.