X Cel X Ray Corp.

X-Ray Instruments, Instruments & Instrumentation, Instruments & Controls · 10 Employees
About X-Cel X-Ray Corp.In 1946, X-Cel X-Ray Corporation was founded by engineers experienced in the design, manufacture, and sale of x-ray equipment. As the X-Cel quality and personalized services became known, requests were made for podiatry, dermatology, and orthodontic designs. In 1950, X-Cel manufactured its first podiatry unit. Today, the X-Cel podiatry units enjoy an enviable position in the field. In 1955, the first Grenz Therapy Unit was manufactured using low kVp for dermatology. In 1956, X-Cel designed a special x-ray unit for the exposure of superior diagnostic head films. Today, X-Cel offers a complete line of high frequency and adjustable kVp units including designs for veterinarians, orthopedic surgeons, and general radiology as well as industrial x-ray systems. X-Cel has gathered momentum throughout the years and is continuing this tradition by working as a team both at the factory and with customers.After delivery of the unit to the customer, the true strength of X-CelX-Ray begins. Our customers know that if a problem occurs with their x-ray unit, no matter how old it is, they can can call us and the problem will be addressed immediately. Some problems are not caused by our product and are a matter of technique or other equipment failure; we still help because we have a desire to keep our customers in business. Fast and fair service ultimately leads to a x-ray unit that has a reputation for being there when you need it.
Year Founded
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X-Ray Instruments, Instruments & Instrumentation, Instruments & Controls, Medical Imaging Systems, Imaging, Automation Systems, Automation & Electronics, Veterinary Equipment & Supplies, Dog Collar Trimmings, Animal & Veterinary
HQ Location
Crystal Lake, IL 60039
  • Crystal Lake, IL 60039

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X-Ray Instruments, Instruments & Instrumentation, Instruments & Controls

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