WritingCity is the most teacher-friendly writing and grammar program for K-5 on the market. Created by teachers, for teachers, WritingCity assists K-5 instruction using current techniques and strategies. WritingCity is a comprehensive, technology-enhanced program, which combines explicit writing instruction with necessary foundational writing skills and strategies to meet the writing and grammar state standards.
WritingCity is a comprehensive program that is positioned to meet the growing demands of 21st century schools, as they transition to blended learning instructional methods. The complete WritingCity framework includes ready-to-use digital lessons, instructional videos, printable resources, and an online student writing platform to facilitate blended learning.
WritingCity lessons are provided for multiple modalities of learning. A study found that students in the fourth grade improved their PARCC scores 11.2% using WritingCity’s unique and innovative approach. WritingCity is a digital curriculum for teachers that can be used for hands-on writing practice, or with interactive whiteboards, visual projectors, computers, tablets, iPads, and document cameras that includes:
- Detailed lesson plans that include differentiation strategies that make it easy to meet the needs of all students
- Student visual aids, such as authentic student writing samples, graphic organizers, instructional videos, and text type specific 6 traits rubrics
- Classroom demonstration videos, and interactive slideshow-style lessons give educators confidence teaching new material
- Teacher support documents including pacing guides, CCSS coverage charts, conferencing sheets, rubric conversion sheet for grading, writing themes, grammar guides, and many more
WritingCity is just what your district and classrooms need to help students find life-long writing success. Watch video clips, view lesson samples, and see how WritingCity can help enhance your lesson plans at WritingCity.com