The WorldEthicForum 2022 is an introduction to a creative debate regarding possibilities for us to not only use the earth, but to revive it and grant it an existence in its own right. Together we will ask ourselves:
How can we establish a responsible and life-affirming relationship between ourselves and the Earth?
Through art, workshops, updates from successful projects and participatory design processes we will experience a refreshing and different conference model.
Thursday 25th to 28th August 2022
Thursday afternoon to Sunday noon
Rondo Convention Center
Via Maistra 133
CH-7504 Pontresina (Graubünden / Switzerland)
How can I participate?
Follow us and you will be informed as soon as the ticket sales are online.
The «WorldEthicForum» is a non-profit, non-religious and tax-exempt NGO.
We would be grateful for your support
Postfinance Bern CH26 0900 0000 1541 8845 3
WorldEthicForum, CH- 7412 Scharans