The World Technology Evaluation Center, Inc. conducts international research and development assessments via expert review and quantitative analysis. It also provides related services to public and private sector clients.
WTEC’s international division has conducted over 60 international R&D studies since 1989, including site visits to labs in over 30 countries. Sponsors of these studies include NSF, ONR, DARPA, NCI, NIBIB, DOE, NASA, NIST, FDA, ARL, AFOSR, DTRA, EPA, plus some private foundations. Expert panelists have included persons who have served as the Director of the National Science Foundation, directors (3) of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the Chief of Naval Research, the Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), vice presidents of research for IBM and Bell Labs, and hundreds of other leading engineers and scientists. Studies have covered R&D in a wide range of fields: information technologies, biotechnologies, sub-sea technologies, manufacturing technologies, nanotechnologies, and many others. All reports are available free at WTEC's website.
WTEC’s services division supports agencies with research personnel.