WHW is an organisation of foot soldiers who work on ground zero, understanding issues as they encounter it & solving them with help of authorities, volunteers and people power of the country. Our ability to be agile is what keeps us ahead of everyone else.
To create a hunger free world
With our network of warrior around the world we aim to crowdsource the food chain and create community programmes which help solve the purpose of feeding the needy and creating a hungry free zones via micro communities.
Empower our warriors
Empower professional chefs and home cooks to prepare nutritional, tasty meals using locally sourced ingredients to serve the society as part of the "One Extra Meal" PROGRAMME
Create a new generation of Gen Z warriors while instilling the necessity of eradication of Hunger from the planet that can begin at home, one meal at a time.
Educate our warriors by building an ethos of volunteering in every future adult of the country
Inculcate a sense of belonging and empathizing with humanity