World Experience for Georgia (WEG) is an independent think tank established to support Georgian society’s progress to democracy based on the free market and adoption of European community standards. Our objective is to facilitate an access to specialized conceptual and practical knowledge, in particular, in the fields of energy and environment, for different parts of Georgian society, including professionals, policy makers and the general public.
WEG's main activities:
-Research in Problem Areas. Exploration of international best practices, policy making, governance and regulatory practices and modern technologies applicable to emerging concrete problems;
-Analyses and Reviews. Periodic analyses of developments in energy and environmental protection areas including policies, legislation, governance, regulatory, structural and operational issues;
-Informing. Disseminating the information on concrete problems to government and non-government agencies, international organizations, academic institutions, politicians and wide public, through the Internet, mass media, WEG-sponsored publications, workshops, seminars and meetings, public information campaigns;
-Education. Preparation of focused training courses, seminars and workshops for students, specialists, public officials, companies operating in the energy and environmental sectors, mass-media, non-government organizations, etc;
-Public Discussions. Facilitation of open public dialogue on energy and environmental issues for increased public awareness and transparent policymaking processes;
-Consulting. Project-specific analyses, reviews, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments etc. Analyses of policy and strategy options, new legislation, sector-related and regional development plans and strategic environmental assessments;
-Other Activities for promotion of the best world practices and knowledge in the fields of energy and environment