World Bamboo Organization

Environmental Services · 2 Employees
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PLEASE JOIN OUR GROUP FORUM The World Bamboo Organization is a diverse group consisting of individual people, commercial businesses, non-profit associations, institutions, and allied trade corporations that all share a common interest = BAMBOO. The purpose of the WBO is to improve and promote this common interest, as well as the conditions affecting, and the industry surrounding, this common interest. We are dedicated to promoting the use of bamboo and bamboo products for the sake of the environment and economy. We are a United States tax-exempt trade association (U.S. 501-c6, est. 2005) formed to facilitate the exchange of information from around the world on the environmental, socioeconomic, biological, and cultural aspects of bamboo. By bringing together local and regional bamboo people and creating mechanisms for global communications, the WBO’s goal is to facilitate the development of new partnerships and alliances to advance the causes of bamboo and furthering the efforts of bamboo practitioners worldwide. We play a crucial networking role by connecting people for useful collaborations on all things related to bamboo. Originally founded as the International Bamboo Association (IBA), the idea for an international coordinating body for bamboo practitioners was born out of discussions at the 1991 International Bamboo Workshop in Chiangmai, Thailand.
Year Founded
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Environmental Services
HQ Location
Boston, Massachusetts , US
Global networkingPromoting sustainable development of bambooPromoting sustainable utilization of bambooOrganizing the World Bamboo Congress
  • Boston, Massachusetts , US

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