World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) is an open science, peer reviewed, scholarly research journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review, focusing on theories, methods and applications in science, engineering and technology. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is an interdisciplinary refereed journal that, while centered in open science research excellence, is openly encouraging and welcoming contributions from the disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads of scholarly research.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology serves as an open science forum for scholarly intellectual exchange and as a platform to present cutting-edge open science research. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology aims to maintain prompt editorial procedure to initiate and expedite the peer review process, which lies at the core of science and scholarly research. All submitted articles are peer reviewed within approximately three months of submission and accepted full text articles are published on the Internet, free-of-charge, at no charge (no article processing charges) to authors, as soon as the final versions of articles are received.
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WASET Advancing Science, Engineering and Technology for Humanity