Workonomics does workplace related consulting. A short list of the services we provide are listed below:
- Workplace design for optimum productivity and to ensure the health of your employees
- "How to survive behind a desk" - In short terms human beings was not made for sitting behind a desk so how do the modern man do it without risking injury or life-style deceases.
- Stress management and how to avoid it in the first place. Among that how to survive in the workplace.
From August the 1th. Workonomics has started to sell PLUXs products on the danish marked. These products help in prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries.
The three products are:
physioPLUX for the physiotherapist who wants to get direct feedback about the muscle activity and muscle activation order. The device can also be use to provide the patient with direct biofeedback durin exercise.
ergoPLUX is for assessment of OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) and comes with sensors for measuring vibration, sudden movements and bad working posture. This product is currently being used by Volkswagen and TAP maintenance.
biosignalsPLUX are for universities or other research facilities. This device provides the ability to connect a wide range of sensors and sync it all with video to give a complete assessment of the given movement.