Wonik Ips

Semiconductor Manufacturing, Solar power supplies, Environmental services, renewable energies · 1001 Employees
Phone Number: solarabc@mailcomips.co.kr
Email Address: solarabc@mailcomips.co.kr
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WONIK IPS has contrubuted to the progress of semiconductor machinery industry. http://www.ips.co.kr/en/ We succeeded in mass-producing ALD Systems in 1998 for the first time in the world and in 2004, we successfully developed and mass-produced CVD systems in semiconductor field. We also developed Dry-Etchers in Display and Organic/Inorganic deposition in PE-CVD and Solar cells. In 2014, we were successful in mass producing a mold process system, in 3D NAND Flash and in 2018, we successfully made inroads into the 10 Nanometer process DRAM High-K Market. In the future, we will further solidify out status as a global No.1 manufacturer through ongoing R&D. And now we are hiring the one who makes our next generation in Semiconductor machinery industry. 원익IPS는 세계 최초 ALD 장비 양산에 성공하고 (1998), 반도체 CVD 장비 개발 및 양산에 성공한(2004) 회사로 당사 제품의 점유율을 높여가고 있으며 Dry Etcher, PE-CVD, OLED 유/무기 증착기 분야 등 다양한 포트폴리오를 갖춘 대한민국의 종합 장비 회사입니다. 이후 3D NAND Flash Mold 공정 설비 양산화에 성공하였고(2014) 10나노 공정 DRAM High-K 시장 진입까지(2018) 이뤄냈습니다. 지속적인 연구개발을 통해 글로벌 No.1 장비 회사로의 위상을 함께 이룰 인재를 모집합니다. http://www.ips.co.kr/ko/
Year Founded
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Semiconductor Manufacturing, Solar power supplies, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and solar electric equipment, Solar powered systems to customer specification, Display boards, electric, Electrical equipment. Nuclear equipment, Electrical, Electronics & Optical
HQ Location
pyeongtaek-si, gyeonggi-do 17709, KR
equipmentsemiconductorequipmentsemiconsemiconductorcvddisplayPECVDand ALDsemicocv
  • pyeongtaek-si, gyeonggi-do 17709, KR

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Semiconductor Manufacturing, Solar power supplies, Environmental services, renewable energies

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