CEO: Roy Geddie
COO: Mark Newland
CSO: Del Wolverton
Board Chairman: Del Wolverton
Business Management: Lee Greenlund
WolvertonBailey, Inc. received patents 7/7/2015 on a totally new concept in high efficiency engines. The technology is very "green" and is expected to achieve in excess of 70% improvement over existing fuel technologies.
The WBI Counterpoise (TM) engine takes advantage of both action and reaction to the pressure in the combustion chamber. It uses pistons and a crankshaft, but there the similarity to existing technology ends. There is no new technology that can compete.
WolvertonBailey, Inc., in cooperation with a major engineering university, have completed the R&D process with three prototypes of various sizes, and are now entering the emerging technologies portion of the commercializing process.
To learn more, please contact Lee Greenlund by email:
HQ Location
8979 Conde Ln
Windsor, California 95492, US
High efficiency engine technologyFuel technologyR&D processPrototype development
High efficiency enginesWBI Counterpoise (TM) engine
Research and DevelopmentGreen TechnologyPower and othersPhotonics DevelopmentAI in Photonic Computing