Wishbone-ITP specializes in Advertising Services with 51 employees
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About Wishbone-ITP
Wishbone is a full-service pharmaceutical advertising agency that delivers GREAT strategy, creative, and service. Our nonbureaucratic structure allows senior people to work directly on our clients’ business. There is no bait-and-switch. Having senior people work on the business means greater efficiency… and better results.
Clients have really embraced The Wishbone Discovery Process as a powerful way to gain insights into the fundamentals of market dynamics, strategic planning, positioning, branding/creative, resource allocation, tactics, and ROIs.
In addition to our core agency services, Wishbone offers clients the benefit of an independent global network. “In the past, we always worked with our clients on the development of global strategy. But now we can actually offer dots on the map to facilitate local market execution.” This newly created independent network is currently comprised of 30 independent healthcare agencies spread around the globe.