WISH FOR WASH has officially restructured to operate similar to a collective
comprised of two sister organizations, Wish for WASH LLC (or Wish for WASH Holdings) and Wish for WASH Thinks, Inc. Wish for WASH Holdings is a for profit entity that acts as a holding company for intellectual property related to the collective (including patents, trademarks, etc) whereas Wish for WASH Thinks Inc is a US-filed nonprofit organization with a pending 501c3 status as of January 2020. Wish for WASH Thinks Inc is the operational arm of the collective where all of the collective’s research, design, and educational projects will be housed. Together – the collective between these sister companies will be called Wish for WASH.
About Wish for WASH Holdings: As of 2020, Wish for WASH LLC is a holding company that houses the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) - related intellectual property and business prowess to carry out and support the work of its sister company and non-profit organization, Wish for WASH Thinks, Inc.
To learn more, visit: http://www.wishforwashholdings.com/
About Wish for WASH Thinks, Inc: Wish for WASH Thinks, Inc’s mission is to bring more diverse minds, talent, and innovation to the problems of global heath and WASH in our world through the lens of research, design and education because #everybodypoops. To learn more, visit: http://www.wishforwashthinks.org