Willow Garage is no longer doing research and development in personal robotics. Its mission is being carried on by companies its people have created:
Savioke - creating robots and software to help people (savioke.com)
Open Source Robotics Foundation - supporting open source software for robotics (osrfoundation.org)
Unbounded Robotics - building mobile manipulation platforms (unboundedrobotics.com)
Suitable Technologies - remote presence solutions (suitabletech.com)
hiDOF - ROS Consulting (hidof.com)
OpenCV Foundation - supporting open source computer vision (opencv.org)
Open Perception Foundation - supporting open source 3d perception software - pcl (openperception.org)
Redwood Robotics - low-cost, high-performance robot arms (redwoodrobotics.com)
Industrial Perception - using perception to guide industrial robots (industrial-perception.com)