The mission of the Will County Center for Community Concerns is to assist and enable low and moderate income individuals to obtain the opportunities needed to prepare themselves for self-sufficiency. We are a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to addressing the needs in the community by providing the following programs and services:
• Community Service Block Grant
• LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
• IHWAP (Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program)
• WCCCC is a HUD-certified Housing Counseling agency
Will County Center for Community Concerns is one of 36 Community Action Agencies which together serve the entire state of Illinois, and a member of the national organization, Community Action Partnership. The promise of community action is “Helping People / Changing Lives”, and carries out its mission through a variety of means including:
• Community-wide assessments of needs and strengths
• Comprehensive anti-poverty plans and strategies
• Provision of a broad range of direct services
• Mobilization of financial and non-financial resources
• Advocacy on behalf of low-income people and
• Partnerships with other community-based organizations to eliminate poverty