Wild Forests & Fauna (WildFF)

Wild Forests & Fauna (WildFF) specializes in Environmental Services with 2 employees
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About Wild Forests & Fauna (WildFF)
WildFF is an NGO that works to protect and restore globally important forests. We propel ideas into conservation action in Peru, Uganda, and DRC. We address regional conservation issues by connecting stakeholders, building capacity in surrounding communities, and working with local leaders to propel ideas into action. Headquartered in Washington, USA, we are a diverse network of professionals with skills in scientific research, policy, sustainable business, and communications. Impact as of November 2020: >16,000 acres of forest under protection and reforestation ~200,000 native trees planted in northern Uganda and southeastern Peruvian Amazon -40 local jobs created through community projects -6 independent networks on the ground actively partnered with WildFF Places we work: Peruvian Amazon: protecting old growth rainforest in the Las Piedras watershed through: - A research center and ecotourism lodge with the Peruvian nonprofit, ARCAmazon -Five-year business and leadership program for young Peruvian professionals -Initiation of an environmental program for schoolchildren in neighboring native communities Gulu, Uganda: collaborating with over 900 subsistence farmers to restore native forest cover and make their farmlands more resilient through agroforestry. We also support traditional women healers of the Acholi tribe through literacy courses, a savings and loans program and the promotion of sustainable income streams such as beekeeping. Palorinya Refugee Settlement, Uganda: planted over 190,000 tree seedlings, constructed 2,000 high-efficiency cookstoves and provided educational workshops on smart farming in order to build social and sustainable capital within the settlement and protect surrounding forest resources. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): in collaboration with a DRC nonprofit, restored a 94-acre partially forested area near Virunga National Park to create a wildlife reserve for the repopulation of native wildlife recovered from traffickers.
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Environmental Services
HQ Location
36023 NE 80th St Carnation, WA 98014, US
Scientific researchPolicy developmentSustainable business practicesCommunicationsForest conservationCommunity capacity buildingAgroforestrySustainable income streamsWildlife repopulationRefugee support programsLocal partnerships
Research centerEcotourism lodgeBusiness and leadership programEnvironmental program for schoolchildrenAgroforestry supportLiteracy coursesSavings and loans programBeekeeping promotionTree seedling plantingHigh-efficiency cookstovesEducational workshops on smart farming
sustainable land-usewild habitat managementwildlife research and monitoringsustainable productsenvironmental educatioture conservatio
Wild Forests & Fauna (WildFF) Location
  • 36023 NE 80th St Carnation, WA 98014, US

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Wild Forests & Fauna (WildFF) specializes in the Environmental Services field