To deliver the best, by any measure (Value, Quality, Service and Provenance) farm-produced, Great British Birdfood and Composting Equipment to our customers.
To be in the top three UK Companies, within an innovative, independent niche, proudly championing our products, which are predominantly sourced from British farms. #grownnotflown
Provide reliable, consistent quality products and service
Approachable, trustworthy, friendly and kind
A team who offer professional expert knowledge and advice
To deliver with a sense of pace and urgency, whilst not compromising on quality
A great team of staff who embrace change and who are continually developed to update their skills and knowledge
A brave, innovative company – not just run of the mill
Right first time
To have a positive impact on the communities that we work with
Committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations
Have fun whilst delivering all of the above