Wicked Cow Studios is a laboratory like none other. Our unique skillset allows us to secure big, lucrative partnerships for the meaningful stories we publish. The result, we call, Book-Franchises.
The Book-Franchises start with the development of Wicked Cow’s original content. This process is part book publishing, part business development. Both parts happen at the same time.
That allows Wicked Cow to optimize executions for every channel to put entertaining and informative productions in front of audiences wherever they are.
Our new model allows Wicked Cow to own its IP, starting with creating and/or acquiring the content of its books. The Book-Franchise model creates a halo-effect for each book published, putting our strategic partners’ machines to use, helping to co-market, co- produce, and co-promote those stories, amplifying each and every initiative. By leveraging these stories across multiple creative channels, it yields franchises, further valuing our intellectual property and generating powerful, long-term revenue streams.
Those extensions live in live events, museum exhibitions, audio and educational initiatives, gaming, apps, TV, film, and digital executions, among others.
Most recently, Wicked Cow became Derek Jeter’s co-founding partner in Jeter Publishing, their content studio that includes a joint venture partnership with publishing giant, Simon & Schuster, and helps to oversee creative operations and business development.