White Oak Gourmet offers a new take on grab and go; offering health and taste conscious customers a wide array of freshly prepared bowls, salads, and wraps.
White Oak Gourmet's kitchen and production facility is in Long Grove, Il.
Committed to organic, local and sustainable sourcing from local farms, Tom is a former board member of the Spence Farm Foundation, an educational non profit. The Spence Farm Foundation (now Farmer Chef Alliance) is working to help Illinois farmers improve their livelihoods by transitioning to sustainable farming methods and to improving marketing and distribution of their products.
We are passionate about flavors and seek inspiration from world cuisines to deliver the fresh, healthy and tasty dishes that our customers demand. We use organic, unprocessed and GMO free ingredients in all of our products. Committed to supporting our local farm partners, our motto is Organic, Local, Fresh!
Our Commitment: Work with our farm partners and chefs to deliver creative, fresh from the farm taste in all of our products.
Our Products: Use the finest sustainably produced, locally sourced, organic, non-GMO and un processed ingredients.
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
HQ Location
251 Robert Parker Coffin Road
Mill Pond Shops - Lower Level
Long Grove, Illinois 60047, US
Sustainable sourcingOrganic ingredient handlingLocal food productionGMO-free product preparationFlavor creation inspired by world cuisines
Freshly prepared bowlsSaladsWrapsOrganic ingredientsLocally sourced ingredientsGMO-free ingredientsUnprocessed ingredients
Consumer Packaged GoodsCateringProduct DevelopmentRecipe Development