It doesn't matter if you are selling to businesses, consumers or BOTH. is the source that connects you. was created with the intent of connecting black business to local and national buyers, and growing the black community one business at a time. offers our clients a unique set of services through our featured listings. Featured clients are listed on the Wheretogo411 website, they appear on the mobile app, social network connections, photos/videos, and did we mention access to BILLIONS of DOLLARS. Through our featured listing you gain access to procurement opportunities, opportunities for joint ventures & partnership. For example, has a partnerships with IHL(Institution of Higher Learning) of Mississippi, wouldn't your business like access to IHL?
If you are still wondering what can do for your company contact us at our headquarters and one of our team members would be glad to walk you through all of the benefits and features. is dedicated to growing the black community through black business, and wants it to be accessible to all businesses. With that being said our featured listings pay a yearly fee of $300… did your eyebrow just raise, well think about this; you are only paying $25/month for BILLIONS in procurement opportunities.