Frontlines is a youth charity located in York-South Weston, one of the poorest ridings, not just in Toronto but across Ontario. Frontlines has been in the community for more than 30 years, providing much needed services to children and youth in this community. Frontlines has grown to support children and youth in surrounding neighbourhoods, including Mount Dennis and Etobicoke. We offer a diverse listing of programming to support the healthy physical, emotional, and mental development of our young participants:
1. Homework Club - One on one academic support for youth
2. So You Think You Can Cook – Cooking programs
3. The Journey - Personal development guest speaker series
4. TGIF Drop-Ins - Drop in Friday program
5. Gem Dolls Mentorship program – Youth led mentorship program for girls
6. Don’t Front Boys mentoring program - Staff led mentorship program for boys
7. Leaders in Training - Youth 13-18 obtain leadership skills and obtain volunteer hours through developing and supporting programming at Frontlines
8. Guitar Hero - A music program
9. Fitness and Wellness Workshops in conjunction with the SelfLove Youth Wellness Empowerment Group
10. Summer, March and New Year Camps, including Basketball Camp
11. Tennis program through York Lions Tennis club
12. Catering Careers/Frontburners Youth Kitchen- An 8-week, culinary skills training and employment program for youth ages 18-29, in which trainees prepare meals for younger youth in our afterschool programs. They also CATER ( We also connect youth 18-29 with Smart Serve, food handling and employment in the culinary industry.