Western Connecticut Council of Governments (WestCOG) is a voluntary association of 18 local governments in western Connecticut.
It is dedicated to preserving and improving the quality of life and economic vitality in western Connecticut. WestCOG works on topical areas such as transportation, housing, community development, environment and open space while providing technical and planning assistance and expertise. WestCOG provides a forum for municipalities to communicate and collaborate in addressing inter-municipal issues and needs.
WestCOG serves as a forum to promote cooperation among its member municipalities. WestCOG can initiate and implement services and programs as authorized by its municipalities. WestCOG also advises the region on land use, economic, emergency, and environmental planning. WestCOG supports the region’s two metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). MPOs are federally-designated bodies responsible for transportation planning. MPOs are responsible for adopting long range transportation plans and endorsing federally funded transportation improvement projects.