Westcliff University

Westcliff University specializes in Higher Education with 51 employees
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About Westcliff University
Westcliff University was established to provide quality education for students wishing to enter the fast growing fields of Business and Education. Westcliff University, which received its initial approval with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education in 1993, offers various programs in the College of Business and the College of Education. Westcliff University’s curriculum consists of graduate and undergraduate degree programs in business and education as well as other certificate programs. While some schools only teach theoretical concepts, Westcliff University prepares students for the practical and theoretical elements required in the job market today. Westcliff University offers full-time working students a chance to enroll in innovative online and hybrid distance education courses that are convenient and affordable. Westcliff University emphasizes the importance of preparing students personally, academically, and professionally. To ensure its programs are innovative, up-to-date, and of high quality, the university has a Program Advisory Council that includes key leaders from companies including Google, Yahoo, and Toyota, as well as local businesses and organizations.
Year Founded
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Higher Education
HQ Location
17877 Von Karman Ave Irvine, California 92614, US
Practical and theoretical educationInnovative curriculum developmentProgram Advisory Council involvementIndustry-relevant program design
Graduate degree programsUndergraduate degree programsCertificate programsOnline distance education coursesHybrid distance education courses
Business DegreeTESOL ProgramsDistance EducatioOnline LearningAdult EducatioInnovative TechnologyHybrid CoursesEducation for EntrepreneursMarketingEducatio
Westcliff University Location
  • 17877 Von Karman Ave Irvine, California 92614, US

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Westcliff University specializes in the Higher Education field

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Westcliff University specializes in the Higher Education field