West Kent Mind is one of 135 local Mind associates affiliated to the national mental health charity, Mind. We are an independent charity and our mission is to work with and on behalf of people with mental health problems, ensuring fair and equal treatment and to promote better mental health for all.
We have a specialist team of trainers and associates with a varied range of industry and mental health sector experience and deliver a host of training to businesses and organisations. We can provide:
• Suicide Awareness and Prevention workshops
• MHFA Adult (Mental Health First Aid) courses (Lite, One-Day and Two-Day)
• Mentoring support for Mental Health First Aiders
• Lunch and Learn sessions covering mental health awareness and workplace wellbeing
• Skills workshops: Active Listening, Coping with Stress, Resilience and Mindfulness
• Advisory services for Wellbeing policy, procedure and strategy
• Bespoke training packages
Please visit our website for a full list of services https://westkentmind.org.uk