When facing criminal charges it is crucial that you act quickly in retaining skilled legal representation to defend you. Your selection of attorneys is a critical choice; few criminal defense attorneys have the background and experience as the legal team at West Coast Defense. With extensive courtroom and trial experience, the client's best interests are aggressively protected in court. Each client's case is carefully analyzed to determine the strategy that will be employed to seek a better outcome for the client, no matter how serious the offense.
When you seek the services of a Long Beach criminal defense attorney from the firm, you will immediately experience the advantage that our honest and professional approach will have on this important matter. We do not make false promises or "guarantee" results. We give our clients realistic, straightforward guidance and then fight every step of the way to seek the best possible result for their case, no matter the particular circumstances or nature of their charges.
The legal team defends clients facing virtually any type of misdemeanor or felony charges, ranging from juvenile crimes for minors to three strike cases where a client is facing the possibility of 25 years to life in prison. Every case is different and we take care to listen to a client's particular concerns and thoroughly investigate the case from every angle to create a plan of action tailored to suit the unique circumstances.