Wedgwood Circle is a network of business leaders, foundations, and creators investing in cultural projects that are good, true and beautiful for the common good. Wedgwood focuses on art and entertainment, including film, music, television, literature, theater, fashion, fine arts, graphic novels, gaming and new media.
Damon of Athens wrote: "Give me the songs of a nation, and it does not matter who writes its laws." With technology delivering round-the-clock content, the impact of entertainment on our beliefs and attitudes is greater than ever. Rather than just critiquing culture or removing ourselves from it, we follow Michelangelo's suggested to "criticize by creating."
While many investors and foundations desire to follow Michelangelo's advice, the current economic reality requires that we are more strategic in deploying limited capital. Wedgwood Circle provides a network and strategy for organizations and individuals to wisely invest in ways that maximize social and financial returns while generating good, true, and beautiful results.