
Wederbank specializes in Banking with 2 employees
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About Wederbank
Quid Pro Quo. Wederbank is an app that helps you keep track of favors. Description Wederbank is a free app that helps you keep track of favors. Before there was money to define the value of things, we used to trade goods or give favors in return. Now that our financial systems are failing and most of us have to cut corners to make ends meet, it's time to think of alternatives. Instead of spending a lot of money on professionals, why not call in some favors from friends? Wederbank helps you to get more done within your own network of friends. Quid pro quo! Did a friend help you paint the house, help you move or lend you a book? Or did you help a friend to get a job, pay for dinner or feed the cat? Wederbank can archive your favors, let you communicate about them and together you can seal the deal. And when a friend helps you paint your house or helps you move, wouldn’t it be nice if you could return the favor? That’s what we call a Weder! General information Requirements: - iPhone / iOS - A Facebook account - Friends For now we just have an iOS version of the app available and you can only login with your Facebook account. Support for other platforms and login with Twitter and with email, will soon be released.
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Wederbank specializes in the Banking field