We Inspect is a revolutionary home assessment and testing service for mold-hypersensitive individuals. We see consistent, positive results because our process is guided by the medical community and prioritizes the mold-health connection. At our core, we are a healthcare company.
Our focus is to help guide those with complex medical issues back to health through the identification of environmental pathogens in their homes and buildings. We identify sources of mold, mycotoxins, and other indoor environmental pathogens, then create roadmaps for restoration, continued maintenance and proper re-build and design.
Our Mission is to empower people everywhere with the tools and services they need to create healthy homes.
Our Vision is to improve global health and wellness by changing the way people interact with their indoor environments.
Our Core Values:
✨ Empathy — We are empathetic and caring to everyone we encounter.
✨ Authenticity — We know who we can help, and we are true to that person.
✨ Integrity — We do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
✨ Accountability — Each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results.
✨ Drive — We continuously aim to over-deliver on internal and external goals and expectations.
Learn more about how we are helping people live healthier lives in their indoor environments by checking out our work:
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