WE DO believe in people! We work together with our clients, partners, and collaborators for a progressive transformation of our democracies and everyday living. To see that more people feel ownership for and participate in shaping our society and their own life’s.
We design and lead the development of progressive democracies. We do:
• Democracy design - both institutional and cultural design
• Democracy Festival development
• Citizen Assembly and large-scale facilitating
• Impact investment and democracy mapping
• Participatory driven development
• Training and democratic capacity building
• Design and facilitate transformative processes - that secures ownership, collaborative models, and collective intelligence
WE DO love to hear from you!
Zakia Elvang
Democracy advisor and entrepreneur
+45 5362 0313
Twitter: zakiae
Facebook: Zakia Elvang
Instagram: zakiaelvang
Johan Galster
CEO and Democracy Designer
+45 5180 8044
Social Media
Facebook: We Do Democracy
Linkedin: We Do Democracy
#WEDODEMOCRACY – Copenhagen-based independent change agency