Watauga’s Peer Advising Program connects first-year students with upper-class students who have a variety of academic experiences and majors. The Peer Academic Advisors are Watauga Residential College upper-class students available to assist first and second-year students with academic concerns. Peer advisors offer advice on a range of academic issues — they can give you their perspectives on balancing course load and extracurricular activities, taking advantage of academic resources like the Student Learning Center and the Writing Center, and finding courses in departments outside your range of familiarity. They are a presence throughout the year at late-night study breaks and meals in the college, and from time to time they organize advising fairs, workshops and information sessions.
Peer Advisors support the purpose of the Watauga Advising Office through their efforts to expose students to campus resources and opportunities, encourage students by serving as an advocate and mentor for their professional and personal growth, engage students by connecting them with faculty and campus partners, and empower students by motivating them to take ownership of their education and learn to advocate for themselves along their journey.
Contact Us. Caroline Alba: albacm@appstate.edu. Emery Turner turnereb3@appstate.edu. Holly Ambler: amblerhp@appstate.edu