Wanstead is an 11-18 comprehensive school with strong traditions rooted in the local community.
The school has a committed staff, students who want to learn and supportive parents. We are forward looking and constantly seeking to improve in order to offer a first class education, in the widest sense, for our students.
Learning and achievement are central to our work. Our philosophy is that all children can be successful learners and that all are capable of achievement. We aim to provide learning experiences and an environment that allows all students to succeed. The school has a very good academic record. Significant numbers of our students achieve at the very highest levels at GCSE and A level.
Expectations of students are high and we insist on standards being maintained in every aspect of school life. We promote a strong code of values based on respect and tolerance and we encourage our students to be good citizens within a caring community.
The school is a specialist in the Performing Arts and this status enables us to provide our students with distinctive opportunities and excellent resources in this area. we have also been awarded Arts Mark Gold and this reflects the creativity that can be found in all areas of the school.