Walk the Middle Way works collaboratively with universities, K-12 schools, organizations and individual clients, offering programs of:
-Mindfulness & Wellness
-Inclusive Leadership Coaching
-Cross-Cultural Dialog
-Circle Facilitation
All sessions with clients and organizations uphold inclusivity, and protect the rights of, and create welcoming, empowered spaces for historically marginalized populations, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and all people regardless of age, country of origin, and mental or physical abilities.
Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
Silver Spring, MD 20901, US
Mindfulness & WellnessInclusive Leadership CoachingCross-Cultural DialogCircle FacilitationStorytelling
Mindfulness & Wellness programsInclusive Leadership CoachingCross-Cultural DialogCircle FacilitationStorytelling sessions
mindfulness facilitatiomindfulness mentoringwellness coachingexecutive leadershipinclusive leadership coachingorganization developmentcross-cultural dialogcircle facilitatiorestorative justicecommunity building