WakeUP Wake County is the citizen’s voice for good growth planning in Wake County and the region.
WakeUP was founded in 2006 by residents who love living in Wake County but share concerns about how rapid population growth and development affect our community and quality of life. Today WakeUP continues to seek common-sense solutions to plan for and pay for growth to ensure vibrant, sustainable communities across Wake County and the Triangle region. WakeUP is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
WakeUP Promotes and Facilitates civic engagement in our community:
• Holds timely community forums on relevant local issues to educate community
• Supports citizens in expressing opinions and meeting with local officials
• Monitors the actions of growth related policies of local and state government
• Leads Active Coalitions: Capital Area Friends of Transit
WakeUP’s priority issues are:
• Water Supply
• Transportation and Land Use
• Public Schools
• Housing
We invite you to be a part of the solution for good growth and sustainable communities in Wake County. Join us today!