WOORI Technology Inc. is a first generation venture in Korea established in year 1993 under management ideology "For the world living together." The company is a R&D company with 82 research staffs among `60 employees and was listed in KOSDAQ in June in the year 2000.
The company is currently operating in three different business fields.
First field of business is industrial electronics.
Especially, distributed control and measurement system market where Woori Technology stands unchallenged is expected to grow about 30% in average in coming years.
Second field of business is IT.
Last year, Woori Technology has signed a contract on strategical cooperation agreement with TTC, the world-class multimedia and Thomson Media Group's joint-venture company, and taking this opportunity, Woori Technology is entering into the next generation multimedia home electronics market such as DVD player.
Woori Technology plans to focus its resources in complex DVD electronics business and 'Mayhill', the Windows background screen movie service.
Third field of business is Internet.
Mayhill service technology enables the play of moving images on Windows background screen and was introduced in Nov. 2001.
Woori Technology is planning to make this year a new start of enterprise by achieving epoch-making business showing with various businesses mentioned above.