WES Foundation (Wazir Education Society) puts children first. It's the 21st century yet the literacy level is shockingly low. We, at WES, educate unprivileged children on topics relating to English and computers. In this day and age, knowing technology and speaking English is prime, hence WES focuses on these aspects. Our literacy program is titled rightly: 'From Change To Change.'
Our mission is:
•To introduce tribal kids to newer technologies.
•To enhance the literacy rate of the country.
•To provide fun reachable fun-driven learning.
•To develop employable skills with global connect.
•To reduce child labour.
Our aim has always been to leave an impact on the less privileged future generation. We are a formal and structured organization, trying to make this world a better place for the young ones. The young ones who are also the future leaders of our country. We strongly believe that proper access to education is exactly what they need. With our limited means, we do as much as we can. Wazir started a humble organization, we are trying our best to teach a strong impact on society. The change starts from us, from you. Be a part of our story today.