W-A-T-C-H (We Are The Children of Heroes, a program of One Tribe Foundation), serves the children and families of America's fallen first responders and military heroes who have died since 9/11.
Create a network of hope & empowerment for the children and families of America's fallen first responder and military heroes.
Prevent further trauma to families of America's fallen heroes by providing hope, empowerment, and new happy memories for their children. Show them that they are not alone in their grief by connecting them to others just like them, and who are dealing with the same life challenges.
* Provide support and resources to assist the children and families in rebuilding their lives and finding purpose in life.
* Honor and remember America's fallen heroes in all we do.
* Change the culture of negativity and hate directed toward America's Law Enforcement Officers, because they, their children and families, deserve better from the public. Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the public.
* Work to reduce the number of deaths by suicide of our first responders and military personnel.
* Serve and provide support to those families left behind due to the death of their hero, (all manner of death; including line of duty, killed in action, and suicide).
About One Tribe Foundation:
One Tribe Foundation is a highly rated 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to researching and understanding the common issues connected with suicide; including Post Traumatic Stress and depression, the various circumstances that they stem from, their effects on the individual, and the impact that suicide has on family, friends, and the community as a whole. We offer a variety of traditional and non-traditional mental wellness programs and services. OTF has become a driving force behind the efforts to reduce the military and first responder suicide epidemic and assist them in building a happy and healthy life.