Vuguru is an independent studio that develops and finances scripted series for television and digital worldwide. Founded in 2006 by Michael D. Eisner’s Tornante Company, and co-owned by Canada’s Rogers Media, Vuguru programming has been licensed in over 110 countries.
Vuguru's inaugural series Prom Queen pioneered the online serial space with its unique format and distribution. Most recently, Vuguru's The Booth at the End was licensed to Rogers Media for multi-platform distribution in Canada; FOX International Channels for distribution across its entire network of pay-TV channels and online sites; and Hulu for streaming distribution in the US. Additional Vuguru series include Don't Ask, Don't Tell; Pretty Tough; The Millionaire Tour; Nuclear Family, Off Season, Little Women BIG CARS, Fetching, Crawlspace and the Emmy-nominated Back on Topps.