VooDoo Spirits, Inc is a DE incorporated C-corp with corporate headquarters located in Upstate NY, with a fully-owned subsidiary with limited liability in the Republic of Benin for operations within the West Africa Union (UEMOA). Both are registered with full Import/Export rights.
The manufacturing facility is operated by lead industrial engineer and founder Jake Muhleman B.S. MechEng (MIT), M.S. MechEng. (UCLA), Intl. MBA (EDHEC) with industry standard machinery imported from the US and The Netherlands, for agro-processing of pure 100% local farmed raw materials. Product line includes local consumer goods and is distributed in regional grocery store chains, hotels, resorts, restaurants, and nightclubs. The company is currently securing producer registration for sales in select West Africa diaspora communities in US and European cities, including New York, Chicago, Washington, New Orleands, and Atlanta.