For more than ten years, VIZZION Europe has been developing a wide range of real estate projects across Europe and beyond.
Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the market, VIZZION Europe's developments are able to meet the requirements of increasingly demanding customers.
Each development is the result of a unique real estate concept that encompasses :
creativity in delivering high-end projects with powerful architecture, yet sensitive to local market requirements,
multifunctional buildings with high environmental and architectural value,
a highly diversified and specialised service offering.
Clear Strategy
Our approach is to minimize the development risk via :
vertical integration of service companies, which optimises the real-estate development process and the creation of value
solid track record - know-how and experience as project managers of complex architectural projects for 30 years in a variety of development types: residential, offices, retail, hotels and resorts.
project diversification, across geographies and segments. VIZZION Europe wishes to endorse a leading role for Western Europe, the emerging countries and the Caribbean.
integration of the “ management-based” concept, an exclusive product and a diversified offer of the most specialised services.
compliance with international standards in environmental certification.
VIZZION Europe aims to be the real-estate platform of choice for public authorities, investors, developers and operators