Specializing in real estate transaction, Homeowners Association Management, Commercial Real Estate Management, and Apartment Buildings. Our service is always based on a complete understanding of a client's unique goals and objectives and then utilizing our systems and creativity to produce the results they are looking for. Some are interested in maximizing cash flow with preventative maintenance and careful tenant selection; others are interested in extensive renovations to improve rental value. Our Condominium Homeowner boards of directors are looking for accountability to budgets, full compliance with changing laws, and premium care and responsiveness to the condominium owners they serve as volunteers.
HQ Location
1970 Concord Ave
Concord, California 94520, US
Real estate transaction managementHomeowners Association ManagementCommercial Real Estate ManagementApartment Buildings ManagementPreventative maintenanceTenant selectionExtensive renovationsBudget accountabilityCompliance with changing lawsCondominium owner care and responsiveness
Real estate transactionHomeowners Association ManagementCommercial Real Estate ManagementApartment Buildings ManagementPreventative maintenanceTenant selectionExtensive renovationsBudget accountabilityCompliance with changing lawsCare and responsiveness to condominium owners
HOACondoSingle FamilyProperty ManagementApartment BuildingOffice BuildingDeveloper TurnoverReal Estate Sales