Visual Footcare Technologies (VFT) is a medical device and healthcare services company specifically designed to assist in the prevention of the catastrophic consequences of diabetic foot ulcerations, amputations and the related comorbidities associated with diabetes.
VFT addresses the diabetes market from four (4) perspectives: 1) promoting preventative care 2) achieving better patient outcomes 3) reducing overall healthcare costs 4) integrating a standardized data driven stratification protocol to assess the primary triad of risk factors for diabetic foot ulceration.
VFT has integrated its pioneering "risk stratification" diabetic foot care model into a comprehenive Lower Extemity Amputation Prevention (LEAP) clinical paradigm that motivates patient compliance through interactive education.
Our Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Exam (CDFE) is a PQRS measured and standardized experience that utilizes VFT's proprietary suite of diagnostic products creating an unparalleled patient engagement with prevention as everyone’s goal.