Vista Structural Engineering, LLC

Vista Structural Engineering, LLC specializes in Civil Engineering with 2 employees
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About Vista Structural Engineering, LLC
Vista Structural Engineering can help you complete any of the following projects: New Construction (Residential, Light Commercial) Addition to Existing Construction (Residential, Light Commercial) Gravity Load Design Lateral Load Design Retaining Walls (Cantilevered, Segmental, Swimming Pool, Restrained [basement], Masonry, and more) Individual beam design Connection Design Evaluation and Modification of Existing Open-Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders Residential Site Development Structural Work (Culvert Footings, Retaining Walls, etc.) Various other areas of expertise Vista Structural Engineering can provide anywhere from a very brief service for your project such as individual beam sizing, up to a complete structural design of your new building or building addition for any project that includes timber-framed, steel, reinforced concrete, masonry construction, and other structural materials. Vista Structural Engineering can provide designs for structures up to three stories and provides very detailed plans within a very favorable turnaround time. Vista knows that you are constantly under pressure from your clients or individual deadlines to provide permitted drawings and to start digging, and Vista Structural Engineering will help you in meeting your clients' expectations and deadlines.
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Civil Engineering
HQ Location
Portland, Oregon 97229, US
Gravity Load DesignLateral Load DesignRetaining Wall DesignIndividual Beam DesignConnection DesignEvaluation and Modification of Open-Web Steel JoistsResidential Site Development Structural WorkTimber-framed constructionSteel constructionReinforced concrete constructionMasonry constructionStructural engineering for buildings up to three stories
New Construction (Residential, Light Commercial)Addition to Existing Construction (Residential, Light Commercial)Gravity Load DesignLateral Load DesignRetaining Walls (Cantilevered, Segmental, Swimming Pool, Restrained [basement], Masonry, and more)Individual beam designConnection DesignEvaluation and Modification of Existing Open-Web Steel Joists and Joist GirdersResidential Site Development Structural Work (Culvert Footings, Retaining Walls, etc.)Structural design of new buildings or building additionsTimber-framed constructionSteel constructionReinforced concrete constructionMasonry constructionDetailed plans for structures up to three stories
Vista Structural Engineering, LLC Location
  • Portland, Oregon 97229, US

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