Virtual Work Insider is a consultancy that provides thought leadership and training on how to lead, communicate, collaborate, and build culture in hybrid and remote teams.
As the first to establish virtual business driving practices within one of the most respected Fortune 500 companies — we provide the skills and tools to lead, influence and strengthen ties with geographically distributed teams, clients and direct reports. Our 18 years of experience within client-side companies, marketing agencies, and managing external partners, is incomparable.
Our clients include: Toyota, Vanguard, L'Oreal, Beam Suntory, Meta, The Clorox Company, Raytheon, M Booth, Highwire PR, Colgate-Palmolive, CUNA Mutual, FINRA and more...
Our most popular customized 60-90 minute workshops include:
1. Hybrid Leadership Foundations: breaking bias and creating hybrid team norms
2. Successful Remote Reporting Relationships
3. Driving Culture in Hybrid and Remote Teams
4. Influencing Across Distance
5. Leading Effective Virtual Meetings and Remote Presentations